• Thursday, 08/06/2017, 12:56 PM
  • Views: 2538


Hoang Quan Corporation-“WE ARE ONE” is the message throughout the team building lasting two days and one night at the Vietsopertro Resort (Ba Ria-Vung Tau) of the Hoang Quan Group (HQC) on 3 and 4 June 2017. This trip marked many unforgettable and proud memories of HQC employees.

The signing ceremony was attended by leaders of the two sides. On behalf of the Academy of Managers for Construction and Cities: Dr. Tran Huu Ha - Director of the Academy, Dr. Nguyen Anh Dung - Deputy Director of the Academy, Mrs. Chu Thi Yen - Director of the Institute for International Cooperation, Dr. Chu Viet Cuong - Director of Southern Branch, MA. Nguyen 2017 team building day of HQC was organized carefully and got considerably successful results when attracting participation of 500 HQC employees and their family members and connecting all HQC employees in a “sweet house”.

2017 team building day was designed attractively with diverse and rich contents to enhance the pride, solidarity and to improve the power of individuals through collective games. 

To foster solidarity 

Despite of participation from many departments in HQC, all HQC employees had the same direction to make the power to achieve the best results. Team building games were designed to force team members to unite and focus on the end results of teamwork based on resonance of individual strength.

To improve adaptability and endurance

Team games were changed constantly contents and locations, from beach to underwater to increase the adaptability and endurance of HQC members with the current environment. And the result was foreseen, these hard changes were battled easily by HQC members. It suddenly rained while the games were being played, however, it did not reduce the spirit of HQC warriors, and in contrast, the rain was as a catalyst to create a hot atmosphere for the all HQC warriors to join the new games.

To communicate better with co-workers 

Joining 2017 team building day, there were members from the subsidiary companies of HQC, members who had never ever seen each other, members who misunderstood in the work and new members of HQC...but by this team building day, they understood each other, shared honestly the thoughts, and gave the most sincere feelings and the best support for the current job to each other.

Unity make the power of success 

At the end of 2017 team building day, HQC Chairman, General Director, Dr. Tran Anh Tuan said: "We are here with more than 500 members, with different personalities but we are all in the same direction: focus on the best ultimate results. I am proud to be the leader of a solid and united team. As annual activities, Hoang Quan Corporation will organize new trips, create new experiences for all members. This is my gratitude, my thanks to all of you - the key members who contribute to the success of Hoang Quan. We are a collective solidarity with strong and sustainable development. I am proud of this power of the Hoang Quan Corporation. "

2017 team building day of Hoang Quan Corporation was successful and gave many unforgettable memories for HQC employees. This is the motivation, new energies to motivate employees, aiming to achieve the business targets of HQC in 2017.

Here are some photos of 2017 team building day of HQC:


Source: Hoang Quan Group

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